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IDASDC Forms and Documents

This document contains information about all IDASDC forms and related documents that your club may require. The forms listed below will be discussed and relative information about their use will be provided.  They are located on this web site and  are in .doc, .dot, and/or .pdf format.


These Documents and forms are;


Additional Member form (DOCPDF)

Annual Insurance form for 2018 (DOCPDF).  Due November 1 with insurance payment.

Annual Financial Statement form (Page 1 DOCPage 2 DOCPDF).  Due August 31.

Club Accident Procedures (PDF)

Club Accident Report form (DOCPDF)

Request for Certificate for Special Dance form (DOCPDF)

IDA Brochure (PDF)

IDA Insurance Information (PDF)

IDA Insurance Certificates

IDASDC By-laws (PDF)

IDASDC Standing Rules (PDF)

Park Holidays 2018 (PDF)

Room Request Forms (PDF)

Expense Reimbursement Request (XLSXPDF)

San Diego Parks and Recreation Logo (JPG - 2400 x 800)


Permit Sites Map - Balboa Park Room Floor Plans (LINK)


PLEASE NOTE. If required all forms and payment must be sent to the IDASDC treasurer or insurance coordinator. Do not send any form or payment to the United Square Dancers of American Insurance coordinator. All correspondence with the USDA insurance coordinator must go through the IDASDSC insurance coordinator.



A.  ADDITIONAL MEMBER form: The additional member form is self-explanatory. Simply fill in the club's name, the month and the list of the dancers. The name must be last name first followed by the first name. On the line COUNCIL/ASSOCIATE/FEDERATION put International Dance Association of San Diego County do not use IDASDC as this is unacceptable to the USDA insurance coordinator.


B. ANNUAL INSURANCE form: The annual insurance form titled CLUB ROSTER is again also self-explanatory. At the top of the page place the enrollment year. Fill in the club name on the appropriate line and on the COUNCIL/ASSOCIATE/FEDERATION line put International Dance Association of San Diego County. The name of the dancer, last name first, and the number of club members on this page. Sign and put your title and the current date on the insurance form. If additional space is required place the names on as many additional pages as needed. You will not have to sign the additional pages. Please NOTE the insurance carrier requires a minim of eight (8) members to be insured, so if you have less than eight, please find addition members.


C. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT. All IDASDC member clubs must provide the Annual financial statement. The San Diego Park and Recreation Department requires that all clubs using park facilitates must provide them with an annual financial statement.


The fiscal year and date will be placed in the approved places. The section SUP, PNNEU&OP, ADVISORY, ORGANIZATON is for your club name. Section 2 and 3 are templates, not applicable items may be deleted and additional items my be added as required. All other lines are self-explanatory. As per IDASDC standing rules this report must be submitted by the end of August of the fiscal year.


D. Club Accident Report.  The insurance company requires that all accidents must be reported, even if no action is contemplated. The club should retain a copy and a copy sent to the IDASDC insurance coordinator. This form is again self-explanatory. On the line Association/Federation write International Dance Association of San Diego County.


E. Request for Certificate for Special Dance form: The special permit form is required when a club special event is held at a location or time different from your regular scheduled time or location. Fill in all required information down to “requested by” line. Do not fill in below this line, the insurance coordinator will complete the form. Please submit the request about 45 days prior to the event.


If you have any questions please contact the IDASDC treasurer or insurance coordinator.

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